
Red cabbage apple juice ph adding baking soda
Red cabbage apple juice ph adding baking soda

red cabbage apple juice ph adding baking soda

Pick two of your cups – one acid, one base (but not baking soda) – and slowly begin adding them together.

red cabbage apple juice ph adding baking soda

In fact, the name tells you that on its own – it’s the opposite of acid! The reason that they work to fight stomach pains is because they neutralize the naturally-occurring acid (which can cause pains) in your stomach by raising the pH. If you tested an antacid with your red cabbage solution, you will have noticed that it is basic. Try using the key below to see what the pH of your mixes are! All of the household solutions that you tested today fall at different points on the pH scale – the baking soda, dish soap, and antacids are basic, the water is neutral, and the vinegar, lemon, and orange juices are acidic. The interesting property of anthocyanins is that the colour of the compound is highly dependent on the pH of the solution. As is the case here, flavonoids are usually very pigmented. Red cabbage contains anthocyanin, which is a type of flavonoid molecule. On the pH scale, which for most chemicals runs from 1 (most acidic) to 14 (most basic), a score of 7 indicates that the solution is neutral – neither acidic nor basic. The relative acidity of different chemicals is mapped on a scale called the pH (potential of hydrogen) scale. In solution, acids release a higher concentration of hydrogen ions (H +), and bases release a higher concentration of hydroxide ions (OH -). Explain itĬhemicals can be grouped into two broad classes – acids and bases. It may help to use a stir stick or spoon and slowly stir as the new substance is being added. Slowly begin adding each test solution to the cups until you observe a colour change. Label the other cups with whichever other substances you’re testing.This one will not have anything added to it. You want to make sure that you have only the broth in your cups – not the cabbage leaves. After 10 minutes has passed, pour a small amount of the cabbage broth into each of the cups, passing it through the coffee filter first.Cover the cabbage with the boiling water and leave it to sit for 10 minutes.Cut the cabbage into small pieces and put it in your bowl.Adult supervision may be needed when handling boiling water or scissors. Never eat or drink any of the test solutions. Colour print-out or e-version of the pH colour scale (below).Optional test solutions: baking soda, dissolved antacid tablets, dish soap, vinegar, lemon juice, orange juice, tap water.Clear plastic cups or glass jars (one for each test solution and one for a control).Ceramic or glass bowl (or anything that can have boiling water in it).In this experiment, explore the acidity of different household items by making a universal indicator with red cabbage.

Red cabbage apple juice ph adding baking soda